Content Description

Allometry, is the covariation of shape with size, and is a critically-important pattern to evaluate in morphometric analyses. Here we show several analyses available in geomorph for investigating shape-size relationships.

1: Allometry: A Simple Example

## Loading required package: RRPP
## Loading required package: rgl
## Loading required package: Matrix
plotAllSpecimens(pupfish$coords)  #NOTE: already GPA-aligned

  #Y.gpa <- gpagen(pupfish$coords, print.progress = FALSE)    #GPA-alignment  
pupfish$logSize <- log(pupfish$CS)
pupfish$Group <- interaction(pupfish$Pop, pupfish$Sex)

fit <- procD.lm(coords ~ logSize, data = pupfish, print.progress = FALSE) 
## Analysis of Variance, using Residual Randomization
## Permutation procedure: Randomization of null model residuals 
## Number of permutations: 1000 
## Estimation method: Ordinary Least Squares 
## Sums of Squares and Cross-products: Type I 
## Effect sizes (Z) based on F distributions
##           Df       SS        MS     Rsq      F      Z Pr(>F)   
## logSize    1 0.014019 0.0140193 0.24886 17.229 4.3462  0.001 **
## Residuals 52 0.042314 0.0008137 0.75114                        
## Total     53 0.056333                                          
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Call: procD.lm(f1 = coords ~ logSize, data = pupfish, print.progress = FALSE)
# Predline (note: `plotAllometry` can also be used)
plot(fit, type = "regression", reg.type = "PredLine", predictor = pupfish$logSize, pch = 19)

# RegScore (note: `plotAllometry` can also be used)
plot(fit, type = "regression", reg.type = "RegScore", predictor = pupfish$logSize, pch = 19)

plotAllometry(fit, size = pupfish$logSize, logsz = FALSE, method = "CAC", pch = 19)

Now we plot predicted shapes (see day 3 script)

M <- mshape(pupfish$coords)
preds <- shape.predictor(fit$GM$fitted, x= pupfish$logSize, Intercept = TRUE, 
                         predmin = min(pupfish$logSize), 
                         predmax = max(pupfish$logSize)) 
plotRefToTarget(M, preds$predmin, mag=1)
mtext("Regression Min")
plotRefToTarget(M, preds$predmax, mag=1)
mtext("Regression Max")


2: Group Allometries

Next, we add some biological realism, and consider the case of allometry patterns in multiple groups. This, of course, represents an ANCOVA design: analysis of covariance. It requires a more complex linear model, and affords additional possibilities in terms of analytical approaches, and visualizations.

Note! Before ever launching into an investigation of allometric differences, it is wise to ask if groups have a common allometry or unique allometrices.

fit.common <- procD.lm(coords ~ logSize + Group, 
                           data = pupfish, print.progress = FALSE) 
fit.unique <- procD.lm(coords ~ logSize * Group, 
                           data = pupfish, print.progress = FALSE)  
## Analysis of Variance, using Residual Randomization
## Permutation procedure: Randomization of null model residuals 
## Number of permutations: 1000 
## Estimation method: Ordinary Least Squares 
## Sums of Squares and Cross-products: Type I 
## Effect sizes (Z) based on F distributions
##               Df       SS        MS     Rsq       F      Z Pr(>F)   
## logSize        1 0.014019 0.0140193 0.24886 29.2078 5.0041  0.001 **
## Group          3 0.018230 0.0060766 0.32361 12.6601 6.4891  0.001 **
## logSize:Group  3 0.002004 0.0006682 0.03558  1.3921 1.1451  0.136   
## Residuals     46 0.022079 0.0004800 0.39194                         
## Total         53 0.056333                                           
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Call: procD.lm(f1 = coords ~ logSize * Group, data = pupfish, print.progress = FALSE)

In this case, the unique slopes are not an improvement of fit. This suggest that the slopes are relatively parallel. However, but for the purposes of illustration we will continue as if they were.

2a: Pairwise Comparisons

Based on the outcome of a homogeneity of slopes test, one may wish to perform different types of pairwise comparisons. These come in the form of: 1) comparisons of adjusted least-squares means (common slopes), 2) comparisons of slope angles (unique slopes), 3) comparisons of regression lengths (unique slopes), and 4) comparisons of group disparity. For the present example, #2 and #3 are most appropriate to investigate. <- pairwise(fit.unique, fit.null = fit.common, 
                     groups = pupfish$Group,
                     covariate = pupfish$logSize, print.progress = FALSE)
summary(, test.type = "VC", angle.type = "deg") # angular differences
## Pairwise comparisons
## Groups: Marsh.F Sinkhole.F Marsh.M Sinkhole.M 
## RRPP: 1000 permutations
## Slopes (vectors of variate change per one unit of covariate 
##         change, by group):
## Vectors hidden (use show.vectors = TRUE to view)
## Pairwise statistics based on slopes vector correlations (r) 
##           and angles, acos(r)
## The null hypothesis is that r = 1 (parallel vectors).
## This null hypothesis is better treated as the angle 
##           between vectors = 0
##                               r    angle UCL (95%)           Z Pr > angle
## Marsh.F:Sinkhole.F    0.6318267 50.81498  83.57546 -0.07310658      0.527
## Marsh.F:Marsh.M       0.6139591 52.12367  83.58445 -0.13196270      0.549
## Marsh.F:Sinkhole.M    0.4461018 63.50614  81.89039  0.66791084      0.273
## Sinkhole.F:Marsh.M    0.7175129 44.15048  63.60905  0.24275646      0.391
## Sinkhole.F:Sinkhole.M 0.4627734 62.43378  60.22153  1.77232308      0.037
## Marsh.M:Sinkhole.M    0.5629975 55.73665  65.19951  1.04510764      0.154
summary(, test.type = "dist", angle.type = "deg") # amount of shape change differences
## Pairwise comparisons
## Groups: Marsh.F Sinkhole.F Marsh.M Sinkhole.M 
## RRPP: 1000 permutations
## Slopes (vectors of variate change per one unit of covariate 
##         change, by group):
## Vectors hidden (use show.vectors = TRUE to view)
## Pairwise distances between slope vector 
##             (end-points), plus statistics
##                                d UCL (95%)          Z Pr > d
## Marsh.F:Sinkhole.F    0.07848121 0.1621176 -0.9763904  0.838
## Marsh.F:Marsh.M       0.08279940 0.1640452 -0.9689342  0.829
## Marsh.F:Sinkhole.M    0.12322729 0.1610484  0.7139190  0.236
## Sinkhole.F:Marsh.M    0.06418279 0.1095190 -0.3981426  0.652
## Sinkhole.F:Sinkhole.M 0.11706696 0.1001323  2.2066562  0.015
## Marsh.M:Sinkhole.M    0.10863856 0.1132783  1.5445168  0.063

Conclusion: Not much going on for this example (illustration purposes only).

2b: Pairwise Comparisons

This shows visually that the common slopes model is preferred.

par(mfcol = c(1,2))
plot(fit.common, type = "regression", predictor = pupfish$logSize, 
     reg.type = "PredLine", pch=19, col = pupfish$Group)
legend("topleft", legend = unique(pupfish$Group), pch = 21, = unique(pupfish$Group))
mtext("Common Slopes")
plot(fit.unique, type = "regression", predictor = pupfish$logSize, 
     reg.type = "PredLine", pch=19, col = pupfish$Group)
legend("topleft", legend = unique(pupfish$Group), pch = 21, = unique(pupfish$Group))
mtext("Unique Slopes")

par(mfcol = c(1,1))

3: Size-Shape PCA

One can also generate a plot of size-shape space (sensu Mitteroecker et al. 2004):

pc.plot <- plotAllometry(fit.unique, size = pupfish$logSize, logsz = FALSE, method = "size.shape", pch = 19, col = pupfish$Group)
legend("bottomleft", legend = unique(pupfish$Group), pch = 21, = unique(pupfish$Group))

## Importance of components:
##                           PC1     PC2     PC3      PC4     PC5      PC6
## Standard deviation     0.1474 0.01651 0.01485 0.007529 0.00707 0.006295
## Proportion of Variance 0.9647 0.01209 0.00978 0.002520 0.00222 0.001760
## Cumulative Proportion  0.9647 0.97675 0.98653 0.989050 0.99126 0.993020
##                             PC7      PC8     PC9     PC10     PC11     PC12
## Standard deviation     0.005656 0.004491 0.00407 0.003508 0.003013 0.002929
## Proportion of Variance 0.001420 0.000900 0.00074 0.000550 0.000400 0.000380
## Cumulative Proportion  0.994440 0.995340 0.99607 0.996620 0.997020 0.997400
##                           PC13     PC14     PC15     PC16    PC17     PC18
## Standard deviation     0.00262 0.002505 0.002361 0.002194 0.00212 0.001935
## Proportion of Variance 0.00030 0.000280 0.000250 0.000210 0.00020 0.000170
## Cumulative Proportion  0.99771 0.997990 0.998240 0.998450 0.99865 0.998820
##                            PC19     PC20     PC21     PC22     PC23     PC24
## Standard deviation     0.001782 0.001662 0.001616 0.001509 0.001413 0.001329
## Proportion of Variance 0.000140 0.000120 0.000120 0.000100 0.000090 0.000080
## Cumulative Proportion  0.998960 0.999080 0.999190 0.999300 0.999380 0.999460
##                            PC25     PC26     PC27      PC28      PC29      PC30
## Standard deviation     0.001123 0.001104 0.001014 0.0009936 0.0009728 0.0008576
## Proportion of Variance 0.000060 0.000050 0.000050 0.0000400 0.0000400 0.0000300
## Cumulative Proportion  0.999520 0.999570 0.999620 0.9996600 0.9997000 0.9997400
##                             PC31      PC32      PC33      PC34     PC35
## Standard deviation     0.0008072 0.0007869 0.0007659 0.0006959 0.000669
## Proportion of Variance 0.0000300 0.0000300 0.0000300 0.0000200 0.000020
## Cumulative Proportion  0.9997700 0.9997900 0.9998200 0.9998400 0.999860
##                             PC36      PC37      PC38      PC39     PC40
## Standard deviation     0.0006259 0.0005974 0.0005768 0.0005292 0.000494
## Proportion of Variance 0.0000200 0.0000200 0.0000100 0.0000100 0.000010
## Cumulative Proportion  0.9998800 0.9998900 0.9999100 0.9999200 0.999930
##                             PC41      PC42      PC43      PC44      PC45
## Standard deviation     0.0004724 0.0004492 0.0004368 0.0004183 0.0003844
## Proportion of Variance 0.0000100 0.0000100 0.0000100 0.0000100 0.0000100
## Cumulative Proportion  0.9999400 0.9999500 0.9999600 0.9999700 0.9999700
##                             PC46      PC47      PC48      PC49      PC50
## Standard deviation     0.0003406 0.0003186 0.0002964 0.0002685 0.0002631
## Proportion of Variance 0.0000100 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
## Cumulative Proportion  0.9999800 0.9999800 0.9999900 0.9999900 0.9999900
##                             PC51     PC52      PC53      PC54
## Standard deviation     0.0002355 0.000215 0.0002037 6.546e-17
## Proportion of Variance 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000e+00
## Cumulative Proportion  1.0000000 1.000000 1.0000000 1.000e+00